COVID-19 Lockdown FAQs & Risk Assessments Industry Policy for The Printing, Packaging, Signage and Visual Communications Sector
COVID-19 Lockdown FAQs & Risk Assessments Industry Policy for The Printing, Packaging, Signage and Visual Communications Sector
Printing SA has been very proactive in responding to their members’ challenges and questions around lockdown. As such, Africa Print and Printing SA recently held a free webinar on 30 April aimed to give an update on the issues around Covid-19 that affect our industry and answer questions from the industry. Printing SA will continue to provide our members and stakeholders with verified and up to date advice on matters that will affect our industry during this lockdown period. As the federation, our mandate is to ensure that our members are kept abreast of developments and we continue to lobby the various government departments and stakeholders for more favourable trading conditions during and after this period. We have been fielding questions from members and have consolidated our responses in this notice which aims to cover labour and regulatory issues:
- In the event of partial staff only returning to work they would then be paid their wages, what about the rest of the staff that cannot return yet how do their wages work.
A – If the company can afford to pay their wages they can continue to do so. TERS benefits can be applied for salary benefits for staff. No work no pay rule can apply.
- Is it determined by peak production being 100% when casuals are hired or is it taken as 100% being the peak production by permanent employees?
A – In all instances, companies are requested to keep staff levels at a minimum in order to achieve 100% productivity. All rules in terms of screening, social distancing of 1.5m, sanitising etc, must be adhered to irrespective of number of staff at work.
- As a company in the manufacturing of stationery, it is very seasonal which means that casuals are hired to cater for the increased demand. How is the 50% operating capacity determined?
A – Government is advising a phased-in back to work approach which will allow up to 50% employment capacity under strict health and safety protocols, thus 50% of the businesses staff compliment. When falling under Part C no 7 of the Risk-adjusted strategy regulation for level 4 lockdown.
In all instances, companies are requested to keep staff levels at a minimum in order to achieve productivity. All rules in terms of screening, social distancing of 1.5m, sanitising etc, must be adhered to irrespective of the number of staff at work.
- How do you suggest we handle employees with underlying health conditions (diabetes, heart issues etc)? Should we get them to stay at home? Especially the guys using public transport.
A – It is a suggestion and not a requirement from government that workers above the age of 60, as well as workers with co-morbidities (basically underlying health problems), should be offered a work-from-home option where possible. Consult with your employee regarding the risks and reach an agreement on the way forward. Regular screening of all staff, but especially more vulnerable staff.
- Will we need new staff permits under Level 4 lockdown? Permits specify lockdown dates. This is uncertain under Level 4 as we do not know end date. Also, do we need a new type of certificate to operate under Level 4 lockdown?
A – Yes, the company would need to issue staff with letters from the company (on an official letterhead), stating that they are permitted to operate during the phased lockdown “level 4” as a Manufacturing concern; all relevant details of the employee and employer (i.e. contact number, name, ID number, addresses, business reg. number, contact persons etc.) should be reflected on the letter. With respect to dates on the employee letter, it can state “……effective the 1st of May 2020, until further notice or changes in lockdown levels are officially announced”. The employer is also required to have a permit, obtainable from www.bizportal.gov.za , which employees will also need to have in their possession when travelling to and from work. So, in total, an employee will need the Company Letter, their original ID and Company Permit. Level 5 lockdown permits have expired on 01 May. New permits must be applied for Level 5 and 4.
- If we have just 6 staff members is it possible for all to return as our numbers are low and can easily maintain social distancing?
A – Companies would have to abide by the rules set out in the risk adjusted strategy regulations of 29 April 2020, irrespective of a business staff compliment. In all instances, companies are requested to keep staff levels at a minimum in order to achieve productivity. All rules in terms of screening, social distancing of 1.5m sanitising etc, must be adhered to irrespective of the number of staff at work.
- Are foreign employees getting UIF pay-outs? As there is an issue with the applications with passports numbers?
A – If foreign nationals pay tax (PAYE), then yes, they are entitled to UIF claims. For foreign nationals use their passport number or alternatively e-mail: bcp.gauteng@labour.gov.za to obtain a temporary ID number that can be used.
- For companies that have shifts working can the shift allowance be forfeited for a period if a collective agreement is reached between employer and employee?
A – The employer can consult with the employees to take a rest period on the payment of shift allowance. Where there is a recognised union in the workplace they need to be included in the consultation. The agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties involved.
- My understanding is that night shift workers do not fall under the curfew rules. Is this correct?
A- Yes, arrange shifts as to not break curfew from 20H00 – 05H00. Staff must be in the business premises by 20H00 and not leave the business premises before 05H00. This must be done through consultation with employees. Only for companies that are covered under essential services can you operate in a 24hr cycle.
- What are the exact implications for staff over 60 years of age, especially those on production machines?
A – If they are working on machines it will be hard to give them other work, or even the opportunity to work from home which is the preferred option. Will have to monitor their health more often by screening, and if any change in fever or other symptoms may have to quarantine quickly. Please refer to the updated risk strategy published on www.printingsa.org
- What can be done to assist groups of companies to collaborate on projects to profit share to keep them all open instead of individual companies taking the bulk of production?
A – Interesting idea. Not sure how the appetite will be for it, as companies who have the work will probably want to do all of it just to recoup losses sustained. For others who do not have work, they may still struggle but keep eyes out for new tenders as the demand for locally produced goods will increase.
- What will the new normal look like for the industry?
A – Hard to do crystal ball gazing and be perfectly correct. Study the trends in the specific products you manufacture and in the technology being developed in it and decide if that is where you want to play in the future, or do you want to try something new or alongside it. You will only know with hindsight if you do the experimentation
- How do clients who we can now send print for but never had a certificate work with us as they never had a certificate on level 5 or couldn’t get one?
A – All companies who qualify to operate under level 4 must now apply for a certificate. This can be done at https://bizportal.gov.za/services.aspx
- I work in Food retail. Are we now allowed to print Product & Price elements again?
A – All manufacturing companies can now operate at up to 30% of their capacity therefore you are now able to place your orders.
- The signage needed for display in our premises, the charts, all of that regarding the Covid-19 and resuming operations. Will that be available from Printing SA as standard or do companies have to do their own custom made?
A – All signage, charts, standard operating procedures, risk mitigation, PPE and compliance must be provided by companies themselves. Printing SA can assist with guidelines in terms of compliance.
- Will the transportation & distribution of printed material across Provinces be allowed during level 4 lockdown?
A – Transportation of all goods within the Republic of South Africa is permitted.
- Has it been confirmed whether the printing educational books and material level is 50% Labour?
A – Yes this is correct.
- I work for a Branding company that does Digital Printing, Branding, Signage & wraps. Vinyl applications, etc. Are we allowed to operate again from Monday onwards?
A – You can take on work up to 30% of your staff compliment and subject to strict health protocols.
- Printing of books etc. Would this include the printing of photographic products such as photo books?
A – You can take on work up to 30% of your staff compliment and subject to strict health protocols.
- Are there any particular sanitation requirements when delivering stock to customers i.e. does stock have to be sealed in plastic washable bags or wraps or are sealed boxes sufficient?
A – There is no conclusive research that supports the argument that either is better, so we encourage you to apply strict health and safety measures when packaging your products.
- Are we allowed to print for any client or only for essential service needs? e.g. Can we print a catalogue for a non-essential service client?
A – You can take on work up to 30% of your staff compliment and subject to strict health protocols.
- Can we print and move POS for our Clients?
A – You can take on work up to 30% of your staff compliment and subject to strict health protocols.
- Are we going to be provided with permission letter in case the police wants the letter while travelling to work? or will be safe travelling without such a letter? What are the implications for the staff that are vulnerable staff with health problems such as chronic diseases?
A – The employer is obliged to give all staff that are required to work a letter confirming that they are authorised to work. This can be presented to law enforcement should they request it. The employer must conduct screening for all employees in order to assess their fitness to continue working. The COVID 19 directive in the workplace makes clear provisions for how this should be addressed.
- Can print shops open on Monday and what printing restrictions are there?
A – You can take on work up to 30% of your staff compliment and subject to strict health protocols.
- Would it be possible to have an indication on transport of printed material whether local or in across provinces and what paperwork is required to ensure delivery?
A – We await clarity from Minister of Transport as to any additional paperwork for the transportation of goods.
Printing SA drafted an Industry Risk Assessment Policy document that is available to our members as a guide for how they are to operate during the various stages of lockdown. The document was compiled in consultation with the industry and seeks to highlight key measures that companies that will be open during these stages need to comply with in order to meet the regulations as set out by COGTA.
Individual businesses or workplaces must have COVID-19 risk assessments and plans in place, and must conduct worker education on COVID-19 and protection measures:
Identification and protection of vulnerable employees Safe transport of employees Screening of employees on entering the workplace Prevention of viral spread in the workplace: Cleaning of surfaces and shared equipment Good ventilation Managing sick employees Monitoring systems must be in place to (1) ensure compliance with safety protocols and identify infections among employees The full document can be downloaded here.
Although Printing SA endeavours to supply correct and updated information relating to the Covid-19 prescribed government updates it does not guarantee the correct interpretation thereof, nor do we accept any liability for any information or statements supplied by external sources herein. The labour laws in South Africa change continuously and employers should stay up to date with new developments. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any adverse consequences that may arise, including but not limited to, financial loss, compensation orders, fines in this regard.