EPR Waste Association of South Africa
eWASA is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2008 and committed to delivering cost-effective compliance on behalf of our Producer Members.
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About eWasa
eWASA represents some of the largest producers of the household electrical & electronic, and packaging industry who have a Producer responsibility under the EPR regulations of 2020 to organise and finance their products’ environmental management at their end of life. eWASA is registered with the DFFE (SAWIC) as a PRO in all three sectors, viz: EEE, Lighting and Paper & Packaging under the DFFE S18 Extended Producer Responsibility Registry. Serving as a one-stop-shop for all your PRO needs to reduce the complexity of having to join multiple PROs and pay separate membership and EPR fees to these PROs.
Service Deliverables
Printing SA has partnered with eWASA to provide its members with the following list of Services deliverables:
- To provide support and guide the client members with the EPR regulations implementation.
- To play an active role in the education, training initiatives, and awareness of the client’s membership.
- To manage take-back schemes and recycling efforts of Printing SAs’ members nationally.
- To establish, identify new and existing infrastructure and support growth areas; and engage with waste reclaimers.
- Establish working groups and member participation — by creating and engaging in networking opportunities.
- To provide timeously response on work done to ensure that Printing SA members are heard and receive feedback promptly.
- To report to the South African Waste Information System (SAWIS) on time and accurately.
- eWASA has global and expert knowledge to manage the establishment of a sustainable, environmentally sound e-waste management system, and associated paper and packaging, effectively for the country.
- eWASA shall provide the Services in accordance with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) requirements for Printing SA members.
- eWASA shall be responsible for ensuring that it complies with all relevant legislation, regulations, codes of conduct and any other rules relevant to the provision of the Services to Printing SA members.