Printing SA News - 01/02/2021
The Printing SA Special General Meeting (SGM) that took place on 17 November 2020 to adopt the revised Printing SA Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) and Constitution did not quorate.
Please be advised that the next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 16 February 2021at 14:00. This meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Teams.
Those members who did not send through a proxy for the November 2020 meeting and who wish to participate at the February 2021 meeting, should please contact Ms Maria Silveiro at msilveiro@printingsa.org or (011) 287-1160 to be included in the MS Teams invitation.
Are you an existing or new staff member entering the Printing Industry? Are you involved in sales, client liaison, estimating, production planning or advertising? If the answer is YES, then Printing SA is delighted to present our Introduction to Printing Course (ID2) to you.
This course will introduce candidates to various Prepress, Printing and Post-press processes used in the Printing and Packaging Industry.
The course provides candidates with an insight into the wonderfully diverse Industry that they have entered and provides the necessary underpinning knowledge that CBMT Apprentices will need when furthering their technical theoretical studies.
Visit the Printing SA website to find out more or contact us to register.
Registration Closes: 03/02/2021.
Printing SA’s Production Planning and Estimating course forms part of CPUT’s Diploma in Printing Management.
This practically orientated course enables Learners to apply what they have learnt in the Estimating for Printers course, thus further expanding their training The course is open to Learners who have completed the Estimating for Printers course and will be presented via Google Classrooms in 2021.
Visit the Printing SA website to find out more and to register.
Registration Closes:12/02/2021.
Printing SA’s Production Planning and Estimating course forms part of CPUT’s Diploma in Printing Management.
This practically orientated course enables Learners to apply what they have learnt in the Estimating for Printers course, thus further expanding their training The course is open to Learners who have completed the Estimating for Printers course and will be presented via Google Classrooms in 2021.
Visit the Printing SA website to find out more and to register.
Registration Closes: 12/02/2021.
Printing SA has developed a range of Short Learning Programmes that form part of the new SAQA registered Carton Maker qualification.
These Short Learning Programmes integrate the skills, knowledge and workplace experience that a Carton Designer needs to competently set up, operate and maintain a digital cutting and creasing machine.
Participating companies with candidates in the programme will be provided with logbooks that define the workplace experience component. Learners will undergo a final competency assessment after successfully completing all the prescribed skills, knowledge and workplace experience modules.
Visit the Printing SA website to find out more and to register.
Registration Closes: 19/03/2021.
The Printing SA Adobe Creative Cloud Blended eLearning courses have been developed specifically for the printing, packaging, signage and visual communications industries.
These several courses also meet the assessment specifications of the new QCTO Electronic Prepress Technician Qualifications. The blended eLearning classes combine video tutorials, rich interactive eLearning technologies and learning material with practical activities, online contact sessions and assessments.
Visit the Printing SA website to find out more and to register.
Registration Closes:
Photoshop CC Essentials - 12/03/2021
InDesign CC Essentials - 16/04/2021
Illustrator CC Essentials - 14/05/2021
Acrobat XI for Print and Prepress - 18/06/2021
Photoshop CC Intermediate - 16/07/2021
InDesign CC Intermediate - 13/08/2021
Illustrator CC Intermediate - 17/09/2021
Photoshop CC Advanced - 15/10/2021
InDesign CC Advanced - 11/02/2022
Illustrator CC Advanced - 18/03/2022
Retouching and Colour Correction - 15/04/2022
Packaging Design Fundamentals - 13/05/2022
Would you like to be part of a federation that is recognised as the official mouthpiece of the South African printing, packaging, branding, creative design, advertising and communications industry?
PIFSA is a federation that is consulted by government and all other important national bodies. Membership grants you access to information, advice, advocacy and a forum for the exchange of views
Join Printing SA! Follow this link for the membership form, and feel free to contact us for any more information you may require.