Printing SA News - 21/01/2021
The Management of Printing SA is proud to welcome Matshidiso Pitsoe to our Johannesburg Chamber.
Matshidiso, or Tshidi as she is better known, completed her high school education at St. Catherine’s Convent before spending time at the University of Johannesburg. She is currently in her 3rd Year at Unisa, where she is studying BCom Accounting Science and after graduating, she plans on completing her Honours as well!
Tshidi admits that she is passionate about anything finance and accounting related. When she is not studying and planning to take the financial world by storm though, you can find her reading, cooking and spending her downtime with family.
Tshidi joins Printing SA on a Fixed-Term Contract and given her abilities, we know that she will excel in her role during her time with the organization. Her light-hearted and sunny dispositions are also refreshing, and she is a joy to have in the office.
Printing SA offers TT (Technical Theoretical) Modules in all Pre-Press, Printing, Packaging and Finishing trades.
Apprentices indentured in the existing CBMT trade training programmes; who are enrolled in Printing SA’s TT Modules, will benefit from receiving tuition based on our newly redesigned and developed learning material. Printing SA has also introduced an FP&M SETA approved continuous assessment model whereby Learners are assessed on every module to ensure total comprehension before moving on to the next level. The excellent results that we are achieving in the final examinations bears testimony to the fact that this strategy is working.
The FP&M SETA have approved Printing SA’s brand new dual TT module system which, we believe, will facilitate the integration of practical training and workplace experience with other TT modules.
Find out more about these modules and to register by visiting our website.
Are you an existing or new staff member entering the printing industry? Are you involved in sales, client liaison, estimating, production planning or advertising? If the answer is YES, then Printing SA is delighted to present to you our Introduction to Printing Course (ID2).
This course will introduce candidates to various prepress, printing and post-press processes used in the Printing and Packaging Industry.
The course provides candidates with insight into the wonderfully diverse Industry that they have entered and provides the necessary underpinning knowledge that CBMT Apprentices will need when furthering their technical theoretical studies.
Visit the Printing SA website to find out more and to register.
Are you CONFIDENT, ARTICULATE, DRIVEN, PASSIONATE and MOTIVATED? If the answer is YES, then the Printing SA Team Leader Programme is waiting for you!
Printing SA provides delegates with a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a team leader and provides them with the tools to become more effective leaders in the workplace, identifying various leadership styles and when to use the most appropriate one.
Visit our website to learn more about this exciting new programme and to register.
Printing SA invites anyone in the industry who is responsible for the measurement, control and management of colour, from concept and design to prepress and printing to register for our Colour Management eLearning Programme. This programme is being offered internationally and has received critical acclaim from those who have completed it in the previous year.
Don't miss out on this great opportunity and register now to learn more about how you can broaden your colour spectrum.
Visit the Printing SA website to register.
In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many institutions have not been able to operate as normal, and one such institution is the Labour Court.
The Labour Court is an essential service but it is still required to operate in a manner that safeguards all staff and members of the public who are part of hearings and court proceedings.
In light of these requirements, the office of the Judge President of the Labour Courts has published Directive number I/2021: Directive in Respect to the Access to the Labour Court in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic which came into effect on 18 January 2021.
The focus of the Directive is to minimise physical contact within the courts while making provision for alternative methods for hearings to take place.
To ensure that all activities can run as smoothly as possible, the Directive also makes provision for submission of evidence, the removal of matters from the roll, and applications for individuals who are found to be in contempt of court.
The provisions set out by Directive I/2021 will remain in place for the duration of the lockdown and may be revised in light of changing risk parameters.
Follow this link for a Complete Transcript of the Directive.
The implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations has been postponed to 5 May 2021. This follows a meeting with the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF), Ms Barbara Creecy in December 2020. The industries expressed concerns as some issues in the regulations required amendments for some sectors to comply.
The extension will allow existing producers, and producer responsibility organisations to register with the department before 5 November 2021. The regulations give effect to Sections 18 and 69 of the Waste Act and apply to the paper, packaging (including electrical and electronic equipment, lighting sectors) and some single-use product sectors.
The regulations aim to hold producers responsible for their products and packaging to the end-of-life stage of their life cycle by collecting, sorting, refurbishing, reusing, recycling and/or sustainably disposing of materials.
Extended Producer Responsibility Government Gazette Notice G44078 Published 15/01/2021
The International Trade Administration Commission has recommended an increase in the general rate of Customs' duty on aluminium rolled sheets, plates, strips, can stock, and foil products. These products, classifiable under tariff headings 76.06 and 76.07, will move from Free of Duty to the WTO bound rate of 15% ad valorem.
The Commission further recommended:
The creation of Schedule 4 rebate provisions to cater for product ranges not manufactured domestically. You can view the tariff subheading catered for by the rebate in the final report.
The proposed duty on the subject products will be reviewed after a minimum of one (1) year following the introduction of tariff support (unless determined otherwise by the Commission) to monitor the performance of the Domestic Industry.
IITAC has published the notice brought in by Hulamin in March 2019 for an increase in the general duty. The subject products are used predominantly in the packaging, transport (road, marine and rail), automotive, marine, construction, general engineering, electronics, energy and white goods industries. Printing SA members were against the increase.
View The Commission’s Final Report Guidelines Relating to the Rebate Provision for the Importation of Rolled Aluminium Products
The Department of Small Business Development published the National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill in December 2020. The Bill aims to increase regulation of the country’s small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMME). The Bill will also make provision for the establishment of a Small Enterprise Ombud Service. This will act as a support function to the Minister.
The bill will give:
- The Minister and Ombudsman powers to further regulate small businesses in South Africa, focusing on the issue of unfair trading practices.
- The Minister may also introduce regulations requiring specified enterprises to provide information about their contracting and payment practices, and policies relating to small enterprises.
On 8 December 2020, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy published regulations for the mandatory display and submission of Energy Performance Certificates for buildings, with a 2-year transitional measure for compliance, for affected entities.
These regulations apply to both government and private building owners, or if you are responsible for a building with a total net floor area of over 1000 m2. Owners or Managers of these buildings must display a certificate “Energy Performance” at the building’s main entrance. The Energy Performance refers to the net-energy consumed in kilowatt-hours per square meter per year. The Energy Performance includes heating, hot water heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting. The Energy Performance certificate must also be submitted to the South African National Energy Development Institute.
Inkish has released the dates of their week-long 2021 Learn With Us (Again) Program supported by Printing SA. Their program kicks off from 15 February 2021 with classes taking place daily from 10:00 - 16:00 CET, and registration is already open!
The schedule for the Learn With Us (Again) Program is as follows:
- Monday 15 February: Dryers, Controllers and Print Head Technology
- Tuesday 16 February: Label Packaging
- Wednesday 17 February: Commercial Print
- Thursday 18 February: Substrate Application Workflow Business
- Friday 19 February: Enhancement Finishing
Check out their promotional video to find out more.
Visit The Inkish Website For More Information.
Would you like to be part of a federation that is recognised as the official mouthpiece of the South African printing, packaging, branding, creative design, advertising and communications industry?
PIFSA is a federation that is consulted by government and all other important national bodies. Membership grants you access to information, advice, advocacy and a forum for the exchange of views
Join Printing SA! Follow this link for the membership form, and feel free to contact us for any more information you may require.